Tenth school debate of Season 8

Tenth school debate of Season 8

Green Valley versus Queens College.

Best Debeter Green Valley and the Winning School Green Valley

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@rotaryschooldebatesmallor…/videos

Ninth school debate of Season 8

Ninth school debate of Season 8

Montessori versus French Lycee

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@rotaryschooldebatesmallor…/videos

Eighth school debate of Season 8

The San Cayetano versus Agora International College.

Seventh school debate of Season 8

The Academy International School versus Bellver International College.

Also our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@rotaryschooldebatesmallorc9503

Sixth Debate of season 8.

Sixth Debate of season 8.

Mallorca International School versus Baleares International College.

See our webpage www.rotaryschooldebates.eu

Also our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@rotaryschooldebatesmallorc9503

5th Debate of season 8.

French Lycee International School versus Green Valley School.

See our Facebookpage

Also our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@rotaryschooldebatesmallorc9503